Portuguese Translation

Is there already someone working on the portuguese translation?If not, I’m a voluntary.

Is there already someone working on the portuguese translation?If not, I’m a voluntary.

Good question. Yes, there are others translating Mautic to Portuguese. Take a look:


There is already Portuguese (Brasil) and Portuguese (Portugal). Feel free to apply to one or both as translator.

Como incluir a tradução no sistema Mautic?

@eredlich , ao logar clique no ícone da engrenagem no canto superior direito, então:

2) No campo DEFAULT LANGUAGE, altere para sua preferência.

Estou tendo problemas ao tentar setar a língua no mautic, dá o seguinte erro: mautic.core.could.not.set.language

Alguém pode ajudar?

I´m having some trouble when trying to set portuguese language on mautic, it throws this error: mautic.core.could.not.set.language

can anyone help?