Hi there.
All the work I’ve done in the past with progressive profiling works like this:
- Visitor enters some details into form and hits submit.
2a. Visitor gets notification that submit has been successful and
2b. form is NOT cleared (i.e. the entered details remain)
- New fields are displayed.
- If user leaves the site and then returns later, the form is displayed in the state as per #3 above.
- All details from #1 above are pre-populated into the form so the visitor doesn’t have to re-enter.
Steps #2b and #5 doesn’t seem to be working.
Any thoughts on this from the Mautic Maestros??
Hi there.
All the work I’ve done in the past with progressive profiling works like this:
- Visitor enters some details into form and hits submit.
2a. Visitor gets notification that submit has been successful and
2b. form is NOT cleared (i.e. the entered details remain)
- New fields are displayed.
- If user leaves the site and then returns later, the form is displayed in the state as per #3 above.
- All details from #1 above are pre-populated into the form so the visitor doesn’t have to re-enter.
Steps #2b and #5 doesn’t seem to be working.
Any thoughts on this from the Mautic Maestros??
Bueller… Bueller…
Does anyone have a real world use case of progressive profiling and how they made it work?
Grrr… forum renumbered the bullets in my original question (that’ll teach me not to preview)
Hi there.
All the work I’ve done in the past with progressive profiling works like this:
1. Visitor enters some details into form and hits submit.
2a. Visitor gets notification that submit has been successful and
2b. form is NOT cleared (i.e. the entered details remain)
3. New fields are displayed.
4. If user leaves the site and then returns later, the form is displayed in the state as per #3 above.
5. All details from #1 above are pre-populated into the form so the visitor doesn't have to re-enter.
Steps #2b and #5 doesn’t seem to be working.
@MxyzptlkFishStix , to your point about what exactly am I trying to accomplish… hopefully the renumbered version above makes it a little clearer?
@MxyzptlkFishStix , I was missing the Autofill. And that’s why we love you Mautic experts 
@MxyzptlkFishStix , you seem pretty expert to me.
I had seen the video before, but it is already out of date.
I’ve turned the autofill on but it still isn’t working. I’m guessing this is because I have it embedded via JS into a random web page, rather than a mautic landing page. Is there a way in the landing page UI to embed the form (I’ve looked, and can’t see it - but you’ve proved already my looking skills are a bit crap), or do I need to use code mode?
OK… so I’ve used code mode, and embeded the form in Mautic landing page using the auto generate JS code.
Still no joy with Autofill.
Any thoughts @MxyzptlkFishStix ?? Go maestro go 
I use the Autofill more under Mautic Landing Page to use in an external website try to use the iframe method since that is the way marketing automation software use it so maybe work with Mautic to. @JoPitts
@MxyzptlkFishStix , interestingly - I pasted all the code in, but now it doesn’t seem to act as a progressive form at all (not really surprising I guess?). Also, it doesn’t copy all the code for all forms. I’ll check on github and raise as an issue if required.
@ninjoan , I’m about to have a crack at the iFrame approach. I’ll let you know how I get on.
You’ll both have to be patient with me. I’m not a developer (at least, I’ve not been one for a very long time, and my expertise was always more back end than front end).
@MxyzptlkFishStix , can you post the code. I can’t read it from the screenshot.
I want to replicate what you’ve done here.
bad eyes, and small screen… but I am working on it. I’ll get there
Done already, but thanks.
So - here is the results (with some good progress)
Before Submit

After Submit

So what this shows is that the form is ‘progressing’ - which I had working. It also shows the first and last name auto fill successfully. Not sure why this works with your approach @MxyzptlkFishStix, but it does.
However (and there always seems to be a however), the email and salutation aren’t coming back into the form. Both have been stored in the DB.
- email can’t have ‘progressive’ behaviour set for it so does that mean I have to rely on Mautic getting it right?
- salutation has been stored in the title field, but despite the field being set to auto fill - no such luck!
It seems (from some quick experimentation), that select fields on forms don’t work with auto fill. Can any one else confirm. If confirmed, I’ll raise it as an issue on github.
@MxyzptlkFishStix, There are times when I agree, and times when I think it is better to leave the filled in fields on display. If it helps a customer see where they are up to, then it has value.
I agree that in this situation that would a valid work around for the list fields, but do you agree that there is a small bug here (especially WRT the email field which they specifically say has to be left visible, but also WRT the list fields).
- I’m not making assumptions. This isn’t my first rodeo when it comes to progressive profiling.
- I’m not looking for perfect. I’m also well aware of first mover advantage (see above about rodeos). I am however trying to get mautic to being a truly robust and easy to use product for marketers with minimal technical knowledge. It’ll get there sometime, but it ain’t there yet :).
- I’ve seen that example. I’m not a fan for a couple of reasons - mainly I don’t like putting personal data in URLs. Much to open to hacking. I’ve already raised a feature request to have progressive forms (and general prepopulation of data) done based on cookie and/or a token in the URL.
- I do think it is a bug. Otherwise, why not enforce that all entered fields are hidden once they are populated?
Hi ho hi ho, it’s off to github I go…
Do you have some magic trick for working out what pull requests are available? Or do you just search/scan github??