Report stats : Bounced and unsubscribed fails

Your software
My Mautic version is: 2.15.1
My PHP version is: 7.0

Your problem
In a Email data source based report, the value of unsubscribes and bounces is the same in all the emails. It seems is showing the total bounces or unsubscribes rather than per email values.


  1. Create a new report.
  2. Set email as the data source
  3. Add ID, Name, Subject, Language, Sent Count, Clicks, Read Count, Bounced and Unsubscribed.
  4. Take a look at the report and see Bounced and Unsubscribed column.

2020-08-06--78 2020-08-06--79 2020-08-06--80

Any help? I’m trying to solve it, but I can’t.


I’m having the same issue, any updates or advice on this?

I am also having this issue. Can someone please shed some light on why this might be?