What hosting are you using for mautic?

Hey, i have at the moment mautic installed on shared hosting in fastcomet.

I have a package 6 Cores CPU and 6 GB of Ram so even if it’s shared hosting it’s a strong one.
One of fastcomet limits is that you can’t use database bigger than 1GB and i am getting there.

There are other hosting with similar packages without that limit when the avarage price for the package (at least untill renewal) is around $10 a month for similar resources.

I am checking at the moment for alternative, I have about 1000-1500 users on my lists and at the moment apart from the datbase size problem the system running without any problems.

I will be happy to hear where most people host the system?, on which package?, and how much you pay for it?

Thanks a lot

Well I am running instances on AWS and Contabo - not shared hosting and I would suggest that you consider migrating to VPS as well.

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As Company (Friendly Automate) we are hosting only in Switzerland and Germany by NOT multinational companies, only Swiss owned / German owned companies (location is based on customer’s request). We are not using swiss Google and AWS datacenters. The small local firms cost a lot more then AWS or Google, but we are aiming to be locally hosted and it would be a big fat lie to use clouds with owners outsite of the EU. We even switched the data center when a provider was sold.

At the same time I have a few instances for private contacts from the US and UK, which I host on Linode. (Akamai). I’m pretty happy with it.

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I have good experience with Hetzner (in Germany). I use two VPS, one for mautic and another one for n8n. Both of them on this VPS-configuration:

ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
CPU: 2
€ per VPS: 4.15/month + 0,6€ for IPv4 + 1€ for backups

They do not have this price anymore, but is still competitive to any others.

If you use this affiliate link, you and I will receive something back: Hetzner Cloud

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@IonutOjicaDe Hetzner’s pricing seems very interesting.

I looked at the website, but did not see whether one can vary the subscription.

For example, I create a CPX11 vps (2vCPU AMD, 2GB of RAM), and later change it to CX21( 2vCPU Intel, 4GB of RAM) without migrate.

It seems to me I have to create a new CX21 then move my installs from CPX11 to.

Do you have any experience with that? Thanks.

There is the Rescale option (1) when you select your current VPS. As I have the CPX11, I have the option to rescale to CX21 or grater (2).
And I have also the option to select (3) : if I suppose that later I want to downgrade, then I can let that checkbox selected.
No need to recreate a new VPS.
Still, there you have the option to create Snapshots, from which you can create another VPS’s => like this I tested first the upgrading from v4.4.1 to v4.4.4 (to be sure that the instance later on works without any bugs). The newly created VPS lasted not more than 1 hour, after I have deleted. And afterwards I upgraded on the live mautic instance. Very cool feature these snapshots as well!


Thank you @IonutOjicaDe . Very nice feature. I’m convinced now. I was tempted to Hostinger, but this seems to be way more interesting in terms of price.

The snapshot is a nice feature.

Took note of your post, will order in a couple of weeks when I’m ready to deploy the site.

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The link to Hetzner Cloud is broken (I do not use that domain) => here is the new link :slight_smile: . In the end, it is the same affiliate link. Enjoy and thank you !