Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.3.2
My PHP version is: 7.3.27
My Database type and version is: MySQL 5.7.33
Your problem
My problem is:
I have a landing page with a signup form which should redirect to another URL at the same domain (another Mautic Landing Page which is used as a Thank-You-Page), but since the last Update Mautic is not redirecting but only shows a white page. The Address Bar of the white page has the Form-Submit URL in it.
Even though the redirect does not work, the submission of the form triggers the correct Email to be send.
These errors are showing in the log:
No Logs at all.
Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
I found a forum post which stated to have the following line in the htaccess file:
Still getting the white page after Form submission. No Redirect.
Now I checked again what happens if I revert back to the old Page Editor, which had no impact.
Also checked what happens if I change to “Display Message” after form submission. Still I see a white page, but in the page source I see the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
parent.postMessage("\x7b\x22success\x22\x3a1\x2c\x22results\x22\x3a\x7b\x22first\x5fname\x22\x3a\x22\x22\x2c\x22last\x5fname\x22\x3a\x22\x22\x2c\x22email\x5faddress\x22\x3a\x22support\x40emaildomain\x2ecom\x22\x2c\x22privacy\x5fpolicy\x5facceptance\x22\x3a\x22Yes\x22\x2c\x22receiving\x5fproduct\x5fand\x5fser\x22\x3a\x22Yes\x22\x2c\x22email2\x22\x3a\x22\x22\x7d\x2c\x22successMessage\x22\x3a\x22Thank you for signing up\x21 Please check your Email Inbox \x28and Spam\x29 as you need to confirm your Email Address before we could send you anything\x2e\x22\x2c\x22formName\x22\x3a\x22mailinglistsignup\x22\x7d", ‘*’);